By Catherine

Mortgage Market Basics

Fannie and Freddie are down again this morning… Fed’s Discount Window Said Open to Fannie and Freddie By Romain Bostick – Bloomberg News (11 Jul

Who's Who in the Housing & Mortgage Bubble

Given the interest in the housing and mortgage bubble, here are links to introduce leading institutional players in the governance, regulation and credit guarantee/enhancement of the US mortgage market.

As the housing and mortgage bubble was a component of the “strong dollar policy,” the same players are also present in the other components, including the suppression of the gold price (a necessary step that preceded this bubble as the suppression of the gold price turns off the financial “smoke alarm”) and the refusal to produce audited financial statements for the US government from fiscal 1995 to date (as required by law) thus allowiing trillions to go missing from the US government.

Who’s Who in the Housing & Mortgage Bubble

Given the interest in the housing and mortgage bubble, here are links to introduce leading institutional players in the governance, regulation and credit guarantee/enhancement of the US mortgage market.

As the housing and mortgage bubble was a component of the “strong dollar policy,” the same players are also present in the other components, including the suppression of the gold price (a necessary step that preceded this bubble as the suppression of the gold price turns off the financial “smoke alarm”) and the refusal to produce audited financial statements for the US government from fiscal 1995 to date (as required by law) thus allowiing trillions to go missing from the US government.

By Catherine

Community Waste

I am quite inspired these days by the folks I am working with on sustainability issues here in Tennessee. (Example: see Financial Permaculture ) I

By Catherine


Here is the heartwarming story of two British activists, Helen Steel and David Morris, achieving the impossible by rewarding McDonald’s lawsuit against them with a